Path:okDatasheet > Dane Semiconductor > ADI Datasheet > ADI-150

5KRM-REEL AD8400AR50 AD7581KN AD7501SE REF196GBC AD7543GBQ ADM812RART-REEL AD7742BR AD767KP AD977CN ADM810JART-REEL-7 AD647 AMP04 AD1583 OP450 AD633JR ADM1052JR AD976 AD7502KQ AD630 AD841 ADV7175A AD9058AJD ADG513BN AD976CN AD5240KD AD842 ADP3333ARM-3

ADI Prospekty Katalog-150

Część nrProducentZastosowanie
AD572AD ADI12-bit successive approximation integrated circuit A/D converter
AD843 ADI34 MHz, CBFET Fast Settling Op Amp
ADP3415KRM-REEL ADI0.3-7V; dual MOSFET driver with bootstrapping
AD8400AR50 ADI0.3-8V; 1/2/4-channel digital potentiometers. For mechanical potentiometer replacement, programmable filters, delays, time constants, volume control, panning, line impendance matching, power supply adjustment
AD7581KN ADI+7.0V; 1000mW; CMOS uP-compatible 8-bit, 8-channel DAS
AD7501SE ADI8-channel analog multiplexer
REF196GBC ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
AD7543GBQ ADI0 to +7V; 670mW; CMOS serial input 12-bit DAC
ADM812RART-REEL ADI0.3-6V; 200mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, controllers, intelligent instrumnets, automotive systems, safety systems, portable instruments
AD7742BR ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; single and multichannel, synchronous voltage-to-frequency converter
AD767KP ADI0 to 18V; 1000mW; microprocessor-compatible 12-bit D/A converter
AD977CN ADI25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter
ADM810JART-REEL-7 ADI0.3-6V; 20mA; 320mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers, intelligent instruments, automotive systems
AD647 ADIUltralow Drift, Dual BiFET Op Amp
AMP04 ADIPrecision Single Supply Instrumentation Amplifier
AD1583 ADI3.0V Micropower, Precisions Series Mode Voltage References
OP450 ADICMOS Single-Supply Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational Amplifier
AD633JR ADILow cost analog multiplier
ADM1052JR ADI14V; 650mW; precision dual voltage regulator controller. For desktop computers, servers, workstations
AD976 ADI16-Bit, 100 kSPS, Parallel I/O A/D Converter
AD7502KQ ADI4-channel analog multiplexer
AD630 ADIBalanced Modulator/Demodulator
AD841 ADIWideband, Unity-Gain Stable, Fast Settling Op Amp
ADV7175A ADIDigital Video Encoder with Macrovision with Anticopy Circuitry
AD9058AJD ADI1.5-2.5V; 20mA; dual 8-bit 50 MSPS A/D converter. For quadrature demodulation for communication, digital oscilloscopes
ADG513BN ADI44V; 30-100mA; CMOS precision quad SPST switch. For battery-powered intruments, single supply systems, remote powered equipment, 5V supply systems
AD976CN ADI16-bit, 100 kSPS BiCMOS A/D converters
AD5240KD ADIFast complete, 12-bit A/D converter
AD842 ADIWideband, High Output Current, Fast Settling Op Amp
ADP3333ARM-3 ADI0.3-16V; high accuracy ultralow Iq, 300mA, anyCAP low dropout regulator. For cellular phones, PCMCIA cards, personal digital assistants (PDAs), DSP/ASIC supplies

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