Path:okDatasheet > Dane Semiconductor > ADI Datasheet > ADI-70

D7534KP AD8073 AD640EB ADSP-2186BST-133 AD7892 AD534KCHIP AD8056AR-REEL TMP01FS AD680JR AD7243AR OP491GS SSM2402S AD620BN AD8036AR-REEL7 AD7339BS ADP3342JRM-REEL7 ADG529A OP490GP AD845BQ AD9042 ADSP-2186LBST-160 AD7813 AD260AND-3 ADXL05AH EVAL-AD7484CB AD1139 AD977AN AD743JR-16-R

ADI Prospekty Katalog-70

Część nrProducentZastosowanie
AD570 ADI0-7V; 800mW; complete 8-bit A-D converter
AD621SQ/883B ADI+-18V; 650mW; low drift, low power instrumentation amplifier. For weigh scales, transduver interface and data acquisition systems
AD7534KP ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS uP-compatible 14-bit DAC. For microprocessor based control systems, digital audio reconstruction
AD8073 ADILow Cost, Dual/TripleVideo Amplifiers
AD640EB ADI+-7.5V; DC-coupled demodulating 120MHz logarythmic amplifier. For sonar, radar, ultrasonic and audio systems
ADSP-2186BST-133 ADIInstruction rate33.3MHz; DSP microcomputer
AD7892 ADITrue Bipolar Input, Single Supply, Parallel, 12-Bit 600 kSPS ADC
AD534KCHIP ADI18V; 500mW; internally trimmed precision IC multiplier for high quality analog signal processing and diffrential ratio and percentage computations
AD8056AR-REEL ADI13.2V; 0.6-1.3W; low cost, 300MHz voltage feedback amplifier. For imaging, photodiode preamp, video line driver, differential line driver, professional cameras, video switches, special effects, A-to-D driver, active filters
TMP01FS ADI0.3-15V; 2-50mA; low power programmable temperature controller. For over/under temperature sensor and alarm, board level temperature sensing
AD680JR ADI36V; 500mW; low power, low cost 2.5V reference
AD7243AR ADI12-Bit serial DACPORT +/- 1 LSB
OP491GS ADI16V; micropower single-supply rail-to-rail input/output Op amplifier. For industrial process control, battery-powered instrumentation, power supply control and protection, telecom
SSM2402S ADI20V; 20mA; audio dual analog switche
AD620BN ADILow cost, low power instrumentation amplifier
AD8036AR-REEL7 ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.3W; low distortion, wide bandwidth voltage feedback clamp amplifier. For ADC buffer, IF/RF signal processing and high quality imaging
AD7339BS ADI5V integrated high speed ADC/quad DAC system
ADP3342JRM-REEL7 ADI0.3-13V; ultralow, Iq, anyCAP low dropout regulator. For notebook PCs, desktop PCs
ADG529A ADILatchable Differential 4 Channel Multiplexer (Latched ADG509A)
OP490GP ADI18V; 25mW; low voltge micropower quad operational amplifier
AD845BQ ADI18V; 1.6W; 16MHz, 1.1W; precision CBFET Op Amp
AD9042 ADI12-Bit, 41 MSPS Monolithic A/D Converter
ADSP-2186LBST-160 ADI0.3-4.6V; 40.0MHz; DSP microcomputer
AD7813 ADI+2.7 V to +5.5 V, 400 kSPS 8-/10-Bit Sampling ADC
AD260AND-3 ADI0.3-7V; high speed, logic isolator with power transformer
ADXL05AH ADI+/- 1g to +/-5g single chip accelerometer with signal conditioning
EVAL-AD7484CB ADI0.3-7V; 3MSPS 14-bit SAR ADC
AD1139 ADIHigh Accuracy, 18-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter
AD977AN ADI25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter
AD743JR-16-REEL ADI140dB)

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