Path:okDatasheet > Dane Semiconductor > HP Datasheet > HP-34
2-DI-DN HCPL-0701 MSA-0486-BLK INA-51063-BLK HCPL-4661#300 LST3821-S4-FP HFBR-1412C MSA-0611-TR1 PDT1346-DI-SC HCPL-2212#060 AT-31625-BLK HDSP-5503 LST2825-B-DN LST3821-DN HFBR-2426TA HCPL-5201#200 HLMP-1301 HCPL-7840#500 HLMP-6658 HCPL4503#500 HBCS-A107 HCNR201#300 HCPL-523K#300
Część nr | Producent | Zastosowanie |
ATF-13336-STR | HP | 2-16GHz low noise gallium arsenide FET for oscillators |
PDT1442-DI-DN | HP | Pigtailed PIN photodiode |
HCPL-0701 | HP | Low input current, high gain optocoupler, single channel |
MSA-0486-BLK | HP | Cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier |
INA-51063-BLK | HP | 2.5GHz low noise silicon MMIC amplifier |
HCPL-4661#300 | HP | High CMR, high speed TTL compatible optocoupler |
LST3821-S4-FP | HP | Coaxial pigtailed laser module |
HFBR-1412C | HP | Low cost, miniature fiber optic component with ST, SMA, SC and FC ports |
MSA-0611-TR1 | HP | Cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier |
PDT1346-DI-SC | HP | Pigtailed PIN photodiode |
HCPL-2212#060 | HP | Very high CMR, wide V logic gate optocouplers |
AT-31625-BLK | HP | 4.8V NPN common emitter medium power output transistor |
HDSP-5503 | HP | LED segment display |
LST2825-B-DN | HP | Coaxial pigtailed laser module |
LST3821-DN | HP | Coaxial pigtailed laser module |
HFBR-2426TA | HP | Low cost, miniature fiber optic component with ST, SMA, SC and FC ports |
HCPL-5201#200 | HP | Hermetically sealed, low I, wide V, logic gate optocoupler |
HLMP-1301 | HP | T-1(3mm) diffused LED lamp |
HCPL-7840#500 | HP | Analog isolation amplifier |
HLMP-6658 | HP | Subminiature LED lamp |
HCPL4503#500 | HP | Single channel, high speed optocoupler |
HBCS-A107 | HP | Low current digital bar code wand |
HCNR201#300 | HP | High linearity analog optocoupler |
HCPL-523K#300 | HP | Hermetically sealed, low I, wide V, logic gate optocoupler |
PDT0311-FC-A | HP | Connectorized PIN photodiode |
HFBR-2115T | HP | Receiver data links for 125 MBd |
VTO-9050 | HP | Hyperabrupt varactor-tuned oscillator |
HLMP-P605 | HP | Subminiature LED lamp |
HCPL-4504#300 | HP | High CMR, high speed optocoupler |
MSA-0185 | HP | Cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier |