Path:okDatasheet > Dane Semiconductor > KEC Datasheet > KEC-8

58F E50A37VBS KIA2109F KIA7032AF KRC861E B10A45V KTA200 KRC405 KDV1430B KIA378R06PI KF438B KIA79L15F KRC418 KRC826U B20A45VIC KDZ3.9EV KIA1218AN KF490BS KIA278R25PI KTC2078 KIA79M08F KTD1411 KTK597V KTC2814 KIA6988P KIA7824API KTX301E KTA1042L

KEC Prospekty Katalog-8

Część nrProducentZastosowanie
KDV1472 KECFM Tuning
KDZ24V KEC24V zener diode for constant voltage regulation applications and reference voltage applications
KIA6058F KECFM front-end
E50A37VBS KECAlternator Diode (Positive)
KIA2109F KEC3-beam type PUH compatible RF amplifier for digital servo CD systems
KIA7032AF KECActive Low Voltage Detector
KRC861E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
B10A45V KECSchottky barrier diode for switching type power supply applications, converter and chopper applications
KTA200 KECPNP transistor for general purpose and switching applications
KRC405 KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (2.2 and 47 kOm).
KDV1430B KECSilicon diode for FM radio band tuning applications
KIA378R06PI KEC3A 4-Terminal Low Drop(ON/OFF Controllable)
KF438B KEC400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm)
KIA79L15F KEC15V, 150mA three-terminal negative voltage regulator
KRC418 KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (2.2 and 10 kOm).
KRC826U KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
B20A45VIC KECSchottky Barrier Diode
KDZ3.9EV KECZener Diode
KIA1218AN KECAudio/Video switching IC for TV
KF490BS KEC400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm)
KIA278R25PI KEC2A 4-Terminal Low Drop(ON/OFF Controllable)
KTC2078 KECNPN transistor for CB transceiver TX final amplifier applications and HF transceiver applications
KIA79M08F KEC0.5A 3-Terminal Voltage Regulator
KTD1411 KECDarlington Transistor
KTK597V KECCondenser Microphone Application
KTC2814 KECSwitching Transistor
KIA6988P KECCDI Controller
KIA7824API KEC24V, 1A three-terminal positive voltage regulator
KTX301E KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KTA1042L KECGeneral Purpose Transistor

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