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MaximIC Prospekty Katalog-161

Część nrProducentZastosowanie
MXL1062MJB MaximIC5th order, zero DC error, lowpass filter.
MAX362ESE MaximICPrecision, quad, SPST analog switch.
MAX6307UK42D4-T MaximICMultiple-input, programmable reset IC (open-drain reset output,factory-set reset threshold on Vcc,1additional undervoltage reset input,negative/overvoltage reset inp.).Factory-trimmed reset thresholds4.095(min),4.305(max).Nominal timeout period 1120ms.
ICL7136CQH MaximICLow power, 3-1/2 digit A/D converter
MAX6320PUK37CW-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input, reset output active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 3.700V, reset timeout(min) 140ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 6.3ms
MAX6320PUK28AX-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input, reset output active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.800V, reset timeout(min) 1ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 102ms
MAX518BCSA MaximIC2-wire serial 8-bit dual DAC with Rail-to-Rail outputs. TUE(LSB) 1.5.
DG406CWI MaximICImproved, 16-channel CMOS analog multiplexer
MAX6321HPUK30AZ-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 3.000V, reset timeout(min) 1ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 25.6sec
MAX5353ACPA MaximICLow-power, 12-bit voltage-output DAC with serial interface. INL (LSB) +-1. +3.3V single-supply operation.
MAX6319MHUK45B-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with manual reset (manual reset input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, bidirectional).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 4.500V, reset timeout(min) 20ms
MAX525BEPP MaximICLow-power, quad, 12-bit, voltage-output DAC with serial interface. INL(LSB) +-1.
MXD1000PD25 MaximIC5-tap silicon delay line
MAX501BENG MaximICVoltage-output, 12-bit multiplying DAC. Error(LSBs) +-3/4.
MAX6318MHUK38AY-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog input (watchdog input,reset output active-high,push/pull and active-low, bidirectional).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 3.800V, reset timeout(min) 1ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 1.6sec
MAX1292BCEG MaximIC400ksps, +5V, 4-channel, 12-bit ADC with +2.5V reference and parallel interface INL(LSB) +1,-1
MAX1246BMJE MaximIC+2.7V, low-power, 4-channel, serial 12-bit ADC. INL (LSB) +1,-1
MAX6313UK44D1-T MaximICMultiple-input, programmable reset IC (push/pull reset output,factory-set reset threshold on Vcc, 1 additional undervoltage reset input,negative/overvoltage reset input).Factory-trimmed reset thresholds 4.270(min) 4.490(max).Nominal timeout period 1ms.
MAX807NCWE MaximICFull-featured microprocessor supervisory circuit with +-1.5% reset accuracy. Reset threshold (typ) 4.575V
MAX174BCPI MaximICIndustry standard complete 12-bit A/D converter. 8 microsec max conversion time. Linearity (LSBs) 1/2. TEMPCO (ppm/C) 27.
MAX4075BFEUA MaximICMicropower, Rail-to-Rail, fixed-gain, dual, GainAmp op amp. Inverting gain 25V/V, noninverting gain 26V/V, -3dB BW 106kHZ.
MAX1655EEE MaximICHigh-efficiency, PWM, step-down DC-DC controller in 16-pin QSOP
MAX6316LUK32DZ-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input,reset output active-low,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold (typ) 3.200V, min reset timeout 1.12sec, typ watchdog timeout 25.6sec
MAX494ESD MaximICQuad, micropower, single-supply operation (+2.7V to +6V), Rail-to-Rail op amp.
MAX6312UK29D4-T MaximICMultiple-input, programmable reset IC(push/pull reset output, factory-set reset threshold on Vcc, 1 additional undervoltage reset input, manual-reset input). Factory-trimmed reset thresholds 2.857(min) 3.000(max). Nominal timeout period 1120ms.
MAX186CCWP MaximICLow-power, 8-channel, serial 12-bit ADC.
MAX6318MHUK47AW-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog input (watchdog input,reset output active-high,push/pull and active-low, bidirectional).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 4.700V, reset timeout(min) 1ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 6.3ms
MAX805TCSA MaximIC3.0V or 3.3V microprocessor supervisory circuit. Reset threshold 3.075V. Active-high reset. Watchdog input. Backup-battery switch. Power-fail threshold accuracy +-4%. Power-fail comparator. Reset window +-75mV
MAX6306UK49D3-T MaximICMultiple-input, programmable reset IC (open-drain reset output, factory-set reset threshold on Vcc, 1 additional undervoltage reset input, manual reset input). Factory-trimmed reset thresholds 4.778(min),5.023(max) Nominal timeout period 140ms.
MAX6318LHUK33BZ-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset,(watchdog input,reset output active-low,push/pull; active-high,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 3.300V min, reset timeout 20ms, typ watchdog timeout 25.6sec

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