Path:okDatasheet > Dane Semiconductor > Mitsubishi Datasheet > Mitsubishi-214

XFS M2V56S20AKT-6 M38862E2AHP M38863E6AGP M38060M5-XXXGP M38863E8AHP M38252M6-XXXFP M38253M5MXXXGP M38071EC-XXXFP M38226E5HFP M38046F3-XXXHP M38C33E8MXXXFS M38061E7AXXXFP M38500E1-XXXFP M38062EEDXXXFS M30623MA-XXXFP M38203E6DXXXFS M38226M7MXXXHP M38042F1-FP M38043F7-SP PM75CVA120

Mitsubishi Prospekty Katalog-214

Część nrProducentZastosowanie
M52042FP MitsubishiNTSC video chroma signal processor
M38076EB-XXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 896bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M2V56S20AKT-6 Mitsubishi256M synchronous DRAM
M38862E2AHP MitsubishiRAM size 384bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38863E6AGP MitsubishiRAM size 512bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38060M5-XXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 192bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38863E8AHP MitsubishiRAM size 512bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38252M6-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 384 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38253M5MXXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38071EC-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 256bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38226E5HFP MitsubishiRAM size 896 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38046F3-XXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 896bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38C33E8MXXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38061E7AXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 256bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38500E1-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit microcomputer
M38062EEDXXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 384bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M30623MA-XXXFP MitsubishiSingle chip 16-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38203E6DXXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38226M7MXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 896 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38042F1-FP MitsubishiRAM size 384bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38043F7-SP MitsubishiRAM size 512bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
PM75CVA120 Mitsubishi75 Amp intelligent power module for flat-base type insulated package
M38038FC-XXXSP MitsubishiRAM size 1536bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38063E6FS MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcfomputer. PROM 24576 bytes, RAM 512 bytes. EPROM version
FU-68PDF-520M43B MitsubishiWavelength1542nm DFB-LD module with polarization maintaining fiber pigtail
M38C36M4MXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 896 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38250E3MGP MitsubishiRAM size 192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38183E1-FS MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer, 4096 PROM, 512 RAM
M38C29MDDXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size2048 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
FU-68PDF-V510M157B Mitsubishi1.58m DFB-LD module with polarization maintaining fiber pigtail

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