Path:okDatasheet > Dane Semiconductor > ROHM Datasheet > ROHM-30

56VR RLD-65PC BA178M07FP BA7625 2SD1944 DTA124XUA BA178M09T DTA125TSA DTA123YE RB731U BA6438S BA6795FP DTA123ESA SLR-332YC 2N4403 LB-303AK BA7613F SSTA06 LD-001DU BA5410 RB461F 2SA1515S RLS245 BA6822F KF2008-GK11A BU4584B BA10ST BA6286N

ROHM Prospekty Katalog-30

Część nrProducentZastosowanie
BA1451F ROHMAM radio / FM IF stereo system IC
BA7654F ROHMVideo signal switcher, 2-input x 1-output
SLR-56VR ROHMReflecting low-dome (5 mm) LED (diffused red)
RLD-65PC ROHMRed laser diode for DVD
BA178M07FP ROHM7V regulator
BA7625 ROHMVideo signal switcher for AV amplifier
2SD1944 ROHMNPN transistor, 60V, 3A
DTA124XUA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistors)
BA178M09T ROHM9V regulator
DTA125TSA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistor)
DTA123YE ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistors)
RB731U ROHMSchottky barrier diode
BA6438S ROHM3-phase motor driver
BA6795FP ROHM5-channel BTL driver for CD player
DTA123ESA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistors)
SLR-332YC ROHMReflecting small wide viewing angle and directly mountable LED (clear yellow)
2N4403 ROHMPNP medium power, switching transistor
LB-303AK ROHMHigh efficiency, three-digit numeric display
BA7613F ROHMVideo signal switcher
SSTA06 ROHMNPN general purpose transistor
LD-001DU ROHMFlat display
BA5410 ROHM12V 5.2W dual channel power amplifier
RB461F ROHMSchottky barrier diode
2SA1515S ROHMPNP silicon medium power transistor
RLS245 ROHMSwitching diode
BA6822F ROHMLED level meter driver, 12-point x 2-channel, VU scale, bar display
KF2008-GK11A ROHMThick film thermal printhead (8 dot/mm)
BU4584B ROHMHex Schmitt trigger
BA10ST ROHMLow saturation voltage type regulator with ON/OFF switch
BA6286N ROHMReversible motor driver

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